Rule 11.
Don’t Knock on a Stranger’s Door

Listen To This Rule
Narrated by Adam Johnson
A Black person knocking on a stranger’s door is more likely to be considered a threat than other races.
There are many innocent reasons a stranger may knock on your door. The kind neighbor coming over to introduce themselves. Someone who is lost and looking for directions or
seeking help
Renisha McBride
Nineteen-year-old Renisha McBride got into a traffic accident and a homeowner shot her in the head with a 12-gauge shotgun when she knocked on his door.
Let’s Erase this Rule
Here are some resources for you to educate yourself and inspire action.
The New York Times, a Black Oregon Lawmaker (Representative Janelle Bynum) Was Knocking on Doors. Someone Called the Police.
Washington Post, a Teen (Brennan Walker) Missed the Bus to School. When He Knocked on a Door for Directions, a Man Shot at Him.
This List Of Books, Films And Podcasts About Racism Is A Start, Not A Panacea
Read Race in America Book Series by Various Authors (Kids)
CNN, This Is Why Everyday Racial Profiling Is So Dangerous
Support the ACLU and Their Campaign Against Racial Profiling Which Includes Representation for Victims of Racial Profiling, Public Education, and Advocacy for Anti-Profiling Legislation
Support the NAACP’s Efforts To Create Sweeping Police Reform–A Zero-Tolerance Approach in Penalizing/Prosecuting Police Who Kill Unarmed, Non-Violent Individuals in an Arrest
Donate to the National Urban League
Support the Leadership Conference and Power the Fight for Civil and Human Rights
Amazon Ring Must End Its Dangerous Partnerships With Police
End the Culture of Warrior Policing
Sign the ACLU’s Petition to Congress To Pass the End Racial Profiling Act
State of Emergency: End the War on Black People
The Movement for Black Lives
Antiracist Resources and Reads: Lists for All Ages
7 Ways You Can Take Action for Racial Justice Now
A Guide to Fair, Safe, and Effective Community Policing (handbook and toolkit)
Take Harvard’s Implicit Project Test and Find Out if You Have Any Bias Associations About Race
The Reimagining Policing Pledge for Mayors
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