Rule 09.
Don’t Touch Merchandise You Aren’t Going to Buy

Listen To This Rule
Narrated by Alex Pierce
Black shoppers are more often assumed to be shoplifters than those of other races.
In many retail settings, browsing through merchandise is nearly impossible to resist. In fact, many store shelves display merchandise specifically to encourage potential buyers to physically handle packaging or products to take a closer look. And naturally, retailers tend to keep a closer eye on their higher-end products to help reduce the possibility of theft.
However, some of those preventive measures put a higher level of scrutiny on Black shoppers due to enduring racial stereotypes that perpetuate the belief that Black shoppers are more likely to
Racial Profiling by Retailers
This article focuses on the unfair treatment that many Black Americans receive when shopping. Several studies are cited and a handful of national retailers are singled out for their discriminatory treatment of Black shoppers.
Let’s Erase this Rule
Here are some resources for you to educate yourself and inspire action.
The Guardian, Shopping While Black
NPR | Walmart, CVS, Walgreens To End Practice Of Locking Up Black Beauty Products
CNBC, As Black Buying Power Grows, Racial Profiling by Retailers Remains Persistent Problem
TODAY | Urban Outfitters Employees Say Code Names Like ‘Nick,’ ‘Nicky’ Are Used To Racially Profile
The Guardian | Racial Profiling in Retail Hasn’t Gone Away. It’s Gone Digital
Sephora, Racial Bias in Retail Study
Support the ACLU and Their Campaign Against Racial Profiling Which Includes Representation for Victims of Racial Profiling, Public Education, and Advocacy for Anti-Profiling Legislation
Support the NAACP’s Efforts To Create Sweeping Police Reform–A Zero-Tolerance Approach in Penalizing/Prosecuting Police Who Kill Unarmed, Non-Violent Individuals in an Arrest
Donate to the National Urban League
Support the Center for Policing Equity’s Data-Based Approach to Guiding Local Police Departments in Eliminating Racial Disparities
Help Color of Change Move Corporations and Government To Create a More Human, Less Hostile World for Black Americans
Donate to the Good Call Arrest Support Hotline to provide free and reliable legal support in NYC
Sign the ACLU’s Petition to Congress To Pass the End Racial Profiling Act
Demand the DOJ Investigate Police Killings and Harassment of African Americans
Sign the #FreeToBe: Black People Deserve Dignity Petition, #DefundThePolice and Rebuild Our Communities
Take the 15 Percent Pledge: “Black People in the U.S. Make Up Nearly 15% of the Population. So, We Are Calling on Major Retailers To Commit a Minimum of 15% of Their Shelf to Black-Owned Businesses.”
Take Harvard’s Implicit Project Test and Find Out if You Have Any Bias Associations About Race
Vogue Business, How To Combat Racism in Stores
Learn How To Make a Difference by Becoming a Better Ally
Empower leaders and changemakers with the Obama Foundation’s Anguish and Action
Team Up With the United Nations To Fight Racism
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